******************************************************************************** Eui-Am Hyung // 45 movements + Move Stance Action __ _____ __________ ______________________ N Ready Arms out at sides, slightly bent at elbows Backward L front R low inward knifehand block (L open hand @ right shoulder) Backward R front L outer forearm block (palm down) R front R high punch L high twisting kick Lf L front Low X-block L front R knifehand rising block Forward R x'd stance R backfist (to face) (Rf in front of Lf) (L open palm flush against side of the R fist.) S Step out toward S with the Lf into: L fixed L middle lunge punch Pivot 180* CW (right), while you do: R spinning hook kick Rf Horse (chest-W) R knifehand strike L side kick Lf L front R circular punch Pull Rf -> Lf L circular punch R front L low inward knifehand block (R open hand to left shoulder) L front R outer forearm block (i.e. palm down) L front L high punch R high twisting kick Rf R front Low X-block R front L knifehand rising block Forward L x'd stance L backfist (to face) (as above) N Step out toward N with the Rf, into: R fixed R middle lunge punch Pivot 180* CCW (left), while you do: L spinning hook kick Lf Horse (chest-E) L knifehand strike R side kick Rf R front L circular punch Pull Lf -> Rf R circular punch R front Middle knifehand wedging blocks (palms down) Pivot on balls of both feet to do: L ridgehand scooping block Pull Rf backward into: R cat Twin downward palm pressing blocks (i.e. with both hands) Rf R back L middle punch Slide backward using a dodging step and into: R front R low inward ridgehand block (L open hand @ right shoulder) L front Middle knifehand wedging blocks (palms down) Pivot on balls of both feet to do: R ridgehand scooping block Pull Lf backward into: L cat Twin downward palm pressing blocks (as above) Lf L back R middle punch Slide backward using a dodging step and into: L front L low inward ridgehand block (as above) Forward (180* CW) R spinning hook kick Rf R cat Twin forearm guarding blocks Forward (180* CCW) L spinning hook kick Lf L cat Twin forearm guarding blocks Stepping backward, cross the Lf behind the Rf, then back w/ Rf into: L back L low knifehand block Rf L front R middle reverse punch R back R low knifehand block Lf R front L middle reverse punch R front R high punch Pull Rf -> Lf Ready Geuman.