******************************************************************************** Yoo-Sin Hyung // 68 movements + Move Stance Action __ ______ __________ ______________ N Ready Natural R fist chambered @ waist, with L-open hand across the knuckles N Lf Horse (chest-N) Twin elbow strikes (to E and W) (palms open and face down at shoulder-height) N Slide both feet in a shuffle toward E as you do: Horse (chest-N) R elbow strike (behind you) and: L punch over right shoulder N Slide both feet in a shuffle toward W as you do: Horse (chest-N) L elbow strike (behind you) and: R punch over left shoulder N , straighten at the knees to do: R knifehand block (grabbing) , bending again at the kness, do: L middle punch , straighten at the knees to do: L knifehand block (as above) , bending again at the knees, do: R middle punch These last four movements are done in rapid succession. NW Lf L front L outer-forearm block (i.e. palm down) , pivot on balls of both feet to do: R scoop block NE Pivot on both feet CW (90*) and into: Horse (chest-NE) L upward palm block Horse (chest-NE) R middle punch Slide Lf -> Rf, then Rf R front R outer forearm block , pivot on balls of both feet to do: L scoop block NW Pivot on both feet CCW (90*) and into: Horse (chest-NW) R upward palm block Horse (chest-NW) L middle punch *** The following movements are done in rapid succession **** Pivot (on Rf) left (45* CCW) into a L-front stance that faces W, and do (toward NW): R knifehand block (grabbing) Pivot 45* right (CW), back into: Horse (chest-NW) L middle punch Pivot on both feet 90* right (CW) into a R-front stance facing NE, and do (toward NW): L knifehand block Pivot on both feet 90* left (CCW) back into: Horse (chest-NW) R middle punch ****** **** N Shift Rf behind you and toward S to do: Right (45*) L front Low X-block L front High X-knifehand-block Pivot both hands around at the wrist (this is a grab and wrist lock) Rapidly chamber the right arm and do: L front R middle reverse punch Maintain the hand position as you move... R front kick Rf R front L middle reverse punch R front Low X-block R front High X-knifehand block Pivot hoth hands around at the wrist (as above) Rapidly chamber the left arm and do: R front L middle reverse punch Maintaining the hand position as you move... L front kick Lf L front R middle reverse punch R back Sudo L back Sudo R back Sudo L back Sudo R front Double forearm guarding blocks Keeping the R arm fixed at its block, rapidly follow with: R front L low forearm block L front Double forearm guarding blocks Keeping the L arm fixed at its block, rapidly follow with: L front R low forearm block R front R middle punch S Left (180*) L back L outward middle ridgehand block Pull the Rf -> Lf and into a "ready" stance, feet together (chest-S) Hands open and crossed in front of groin. SW Right (45*) R front (STOMP!) Double upset punches SE Pull Rf -> Lf while pivoting, and step out with the Lf, Left (90*) L front (STOMP!) Double upset punches W Pull Lf -> Rf, then step out toward W into: R back R outside middle block (i.e. palm up) R back L middle punch E Draw Lf -> Rf, chamber the left arm and do: Feet together (chest-S) R circular punch (toward E) Step out w/ Lf toward E, into: L back L outside middle block L back R middle punch W Draw Rf -> Lf, chamber the right arm and do: Feet together (chest-S) L circular punch (toward W) Lf out toward E into: L back "U" shaped punch Pull Lf -> Rf, feet together (chest-E), then step out with Rf toward E into: R back "U" shaped punch S Rf Horse (chest-E) R backfist strike (toward S) (L fist chamberd at hip) Draw the Rf in sharply toward your groin, as you do this, pull the R-arm inward and perpindicular to the L-arm. SE Step back out into: Horse (chest-E) R outer forearm block(toward SE) (i.e. palm down) Draw the Lf in sharply toward you groin, maintain the previous hand positions as you step back down into: NE Horse (chest-E) R inner forearm block(toward NE) (i.e. palm up) S Horse (chest-E) R open backhand strike L inward crescent kick (into palm of right hand) Without dropping the Lf, do: L side kick Lf Horse (chest-W) L open backhand strike R inward crescent kick (into palm of left hand) Without dropping the Rf, do: R side kick Rf Horse (chest-E) R "9"-shaped block (i.e. the R-arm is down) Horse (chest-E) L "9"-shaped block Horse (chest-W) R "9"-shaped block Horse (chest-W) L "9"-shaped block N Pull Lf -> Rf, and in a circular motion do: Feet together (chest-W) R hammerfist strike (toward N) W Step Rf backwards, toward E, into: L front Twin high punches Step forward with the Rf toward W, E Pivot 180* CCW (left) to face E in: L front Twin high punches NW Pull Rf -> Lf, then step out with Lf toward NW and into: L back Sudo NE Pull Lf -> Rf, then step out with Rf toward NE and into: R back Sudo N Pull Rf -> Lf Ready Geuman.