############################################################################# Koryo // First Black Belt Form + Move Stance Action __ ______ ____________ ______________________ N Ready Bring both hands, open, to slightly above head level, palms forward. This is a "look to heaven". W CCW (90*) L back Dual middle knifehand blocks R- low side kick without dropping kicking leg... R- high side kick R front R- high knifehand strike (palm down) R front L- middle reverse punch Lf R back R- inward middle forearm block E CW (180*) R back Dual middle knifehand blocks L- low side kick without dropping kicking leg... L- high side kick L front L- high knifehand strike (palm down) L front R- middle reverse punch Rf L back L- inward middle forearm block N CCW (90*) L front L- low knifehand/forearm block L front R- reverse open hand thrust (done with the inner edge of the hand between thumb and first finger, and done as a strike to the throat) R- front kick R front R- low knifehand/forearm block R front L- reverse open hand thrust (as above) L- front kick L front L- low knifehand/forearm block L front R- reverse open hand thrust (as above) R- front kick R front Knee break (grab opponent's heel with the right hand at belt level. Then pull that hand into your chest while, at the same time, pushing down- ward on the attacker's knee with the left hand.) S CW (180*) R front Middle forearm spreading blocks L- front kick L front Knee break (as above) L front Middle forearm spreading blocks W Pivoting on the Lf,.. CW (90*), withdrawing the right foot behind you into ... L horse (chest faces N) L- outward knifehand block (R fist is @ belt) Horse R middle hook punch (draw it across your body and into the palm of the left open-hand) Crossing the Rf over the Lf, and chambering both fists to the right hip... L- high side kick Drop the left foot in front of you, then rotate... E CW (180*) R front L- low reverse spear thrust (R-fist at L-shoulder to block) R- low forearm block L front L- middle inward palm block R horse R-elbow strike (chest faces N) (supporting your right fist in your left palm) Horse (chest-N) R-middle knifehand block (L-fist chambered @ belt) Horse (chest-N) L-middle hook punch (as above) Crossing your Lf over the Rf, and chambering both fists to the left hip... R- high side kick Drop the right foot in front of you, then rotate... W CCW (180*) L front R- low reverse spear thrust (as above) L- low forearm block R front R- middle inward palm block L horse L- elbow strike (chest faces N) (supporting your left fist in your right palm) N Slide your left foot inward and adjacent to the right foot... Raise both hands (open) above your head in an arcing motion Then, bring them down into a L- low hammerfist strike (into the right palm) S Pivot CCW (180*) on the Rf... L front L- outward knifehand strike (to your attacker's neck) L front L- low knifehand/forearm block R front R- inward knifehand strike (head/neck level) R front R- low knifehand/forearm block L front L- inward knifehand strike (again, head/neck level) L front L- low knifehand/forearm block R front R- open hand thrust (to attacker's throat) N Pivot 180* CCW on the right foot, pulling the left foot back into the right foot, and into the "Ready" position.