******************************************************************************* Moon-Moo Hyung // 61 movements + Move Stance Action __ _____ _______ _________________ N Ready Both fists chambered to the right hip. W Lift Lf -> R crane (chest-N) Double forearm guarding blocks (i.e. close-fist sudo) L side kick without dropping Lf, do another - L side kick N Rf Horse (chest-N) R middle punch W Right (180* CW) R spinning hook kick forward R x'd stance R knifehand strike (chest-S) (L fist is chambered) E Stepping out with the Lf... Left (180* CCW) L front Scissored palm pressing blocks (L-up, R-down) Forward R front Scissored palm pressing blocks (R-up, L-down) N Pull Lf -> Rf Lift Lf -> R crane Simultaneously do: R-low knifehand block (to E) L-high knifehand block (to W) (90* bend at the L elbow, w/ the knifehand perpindicular to the floor.) E Drop Lf to the ground while chambering both fists to the left side, Lift Rf -> L crane Double forearm guarding blocks (i.e. close-fist sudo) R side kick without dropping Rf, do another - R side kick N Rf Horse (chest-N) L middle punch E Left (180* CCW) L spinning hook kick forward L x'd stance L knifehand strike (chest-S) (as above) W Stepping out with the Rf,... Right (180* CW) R front Scissored palm pressing blocks (R-up, L-down) N Pull Rf -> Lf Lift Rf L crane (chest-N) Simultaneously do: L-low forearm block (to W) R-high knifehand block (to E) (as above) L crane (chest-N) Double low forearm blocks (to E & W) without dropping the Rf, R back kick (i.e. toward S) Rf down and behind you, into: L front R middle reverse punch Lift Lf-> R crane (chest-N) Double low forearm blocks without dropping the Lf, L back kick (i.e. toward S) Lf down and behind you, into: R front L middle reverse punch Stepping backward with the Rf, slide back into: L cat L downward palm pressing block L cat L front kick Lf next to the Rf, S Step out w/ Rf toward S, into: Horse (chest-E) R hammerfist strike (sideways, i.e. to the temple) E Horse (chest-E) L upward palm pressing block Horse (chest-E) R middle punch N Horse (chest-E) L low knifehand block (to N) S Step the Lf in behind the Rf, and continue toward S by forward to do: R jumping side kick Rf and immediately follow by pivoting.. Left (180* CCW) L spinning hook kick Lf L front L high knifehand block (done with the outer-forearm side of arm) Stepping backward with the Lf, slide into: R cat R downward palm pressing block R cat R front kick Drop Rf alongside the Lf N Step out toward N with the Lf, into: Horse (chest-E) L hammerfist strike (as above) E Horse (chest-E) R upward palm pressing block Horse (chest-E) L middle punch S Horse (chest-E) R low knifehand block (to S) N Step the Rf in behind the Lf, and continue toward N by.. forward to do: L jumping side kick Lf and immediately follow by pivoting.. Right (180* CW) R spinning hook kick Rf R front R high outward knifehand block (as above) Step forward with the Lf, then do: R high twisting kick Rf behind you and into: L back Simultaneously do: L-low forearm block (to N) R-high backfist (toward S) (backfist is to the temple) Dodging step backward, and shift into: L front R backfist (to the face) (L fist guards under R elbow) Step forward with the Rf, then do: L high twisting kick Lf behind you and into: R back Simultaneously do: R-low forearm block (to N) L-high backfist (to S) (as above) Dodging step backward, and shift into: R front L backfist (to the face) (as above) L foot sweep (hooking with the inner edge of foot) Lf L back Double forearm guarding blocks (i.e. close-fist sudo) L back L low side kick ("checking") Without dropping Lf, immediately do: L high side kick Lf Horse (chest-E) L knifehand strike (R fist is chambered) R foot sweep (hooking) Rf R back Double forearm guarding blocks (i.e. close-fist sudo) R back R low side kick ("checking") without dropping Rf, immediately do: R high side kick Rf Horse (chest-W) R knifehand strike (as above) S Step backward with the Rf, crossing it behind the Lf, Step out toward S with Lf, into: L front R middle reverse punch forward R x'd stance L low punch (chest-E) (R-fist guards at L shoulder) N Turn head 180* CCW to look toward N, toward N and into: L x'd stance R low punch (chest-E) (L-fist guards at R shoulder) off of both feet to do: R jumping reverse side kick R back Sudo Step backward with Rf, crossing it behind the Lf Step the Lf backward into: R front L high tiger-mouth block R front R high punch Pull Rf -> Lf Ready Geuman.