Tong-Il Hyung ______________ + Move Stance Action __ _____ _______ __________________ N -- Feet together Both hands are open, left over right, in front of belt. N Lf backward R front Double elbow strike--behind you N -- R front Twin vertical punches to the head. N Rf backward L front Double knifehand strikes out to each side. (As if you were striking opponents on your E and W. Elbows are straight and parallel to the floor!) N -- L front R outward forearm block (ulna side) quickly followed by... N -- L front L outward forearm block (ulna side) N Rf forward R back R horizontal punch quickly followed by... N -- R back L horizontal reverse punch N Lf forward L back L backfist strike to the face (fist is vertical) N Rf forward R inside crescent kick into the left open hand R back L backfist strike to face (fist is vertical) N Lf forward L inside crescent kick into the right open hand L back Double elbow strikes (These are delivered at shoulder-level, with hands open in front of chest, palms down.) N Rf forward R front R outward knifehand block (ulna side) followed quickly by... N -- R front L outward knifehand block (ulna-side) N -- R front R- mid-level straight punch followed quickly by... N -- R front L- mid-level reverse punch N Lf --> L front kick (head level) Pull the left foot back now, and rotate CCW (to the left) into: S L back L backfist strike (to face) (fist is vertical) S Rf --> R front kick (head level) Pull the right foot back now, and rotate CW (to the right) into: N R back R backfist strike (to face) (fist is vertical) N R front L- middle reverse punch followed quickly by... N -- R front R- middle straight punch N Lf forward L cat L upward wrist strike N Rf forward R cat R upward wrist strike S CCW (180*) L front Twin palm pressing blocks (L hand down, R hand up) S -- L front Twin palm pressing blocks (now, L hand up, R hand down) S Rf forward R front Twin palm pressing blocks (now, L hand down, R hand up) S Lf forward feet together Both hands shoot up and above the head, palms face forward, hands touch at the thumbs and index fingers in such a way that it forms a triangle. S -- feet together Slowly begin to arc hands outward to the sides of the body, then quickly complete the arcing motion by bringing the left knifehand into the right open palm. N CCW (180*) L front L open-hand rising block followed quickly by... N -- L front R- middle reverse punch N Rf forward R back L uppercut punch (drawing the right fist into the left shoulder to block) N Rf backward L front R inside middle forearm block (radius side) S CW (180*) R front R open-hand rising block followed quickly by... S -- R front L- middle reverse punch S Lf forward L back R uppercut punch (drawing the left fist into the right shoulder to block) S Lf backward R front L inside middle forearm block (radius side) S L front Scissor blocks (here, your left hand is open and middle level, while your right is low and closed in a fist.) N Rf forward R front Twin vertical punches (to the face) N Rf backward L crane Right elbow smash into the left palm. Looking over your right shoulder, do: Right side kick (toward South) S Horse stance Mountain block (chest-E) Bring the Lf to the Rf, then step out again toward S with the Rf, into: S Forward Horse stance Mountain block (chest-E) N Rf --> Right inside crescent kick (maintain the blocks as you do this!) N Horse stance Mountain block (chest-W) Bring the Rf to the Lf, then step out again toward S with the Lf, into: S Forward Horse stance Mountain block (chest-W) S Lf backward R crane Left elbow smash into the right palm. Looking over your left shoulder, do: Left side kick (toward North) N Crossed stance Low-level X-blocks (Rf behind Lf) (closed fists) (chest-N) N Rf backward L front L inside middle forearm block (radius side) N Rf forward R front R inside middle forearm block (radius side) Shift your weight to the left foot (so that it looks as if you are in a L front stance facing W), do: N -- -- R outside middle forearm block (ulna side) QUICKLY, shift the weight back onto the right leg, and ... N -- R front L- middle-level palm strike N Lf forward L front R- middle-level palm strike Shift your weight to the right foot (so that it looks as if you're in a R front stance facing E), do: N -- -- L outside middle forearm block (ulna side) S CW (180*) R front R rising block (closed fist) N CCW (180*) L front L rising clock (closed fist) followed quickly by... N -- L front R middle reverse punch N Lf --> Rf Feet together Both hands are open, left over right, in front of belt. [END]