************************************************************************ Choong-Jang // 52 movements + Move Stance Action __ _____ __________ __________ N Ready R fist in L palm at chest/neck level Rf out into Horse (chest-N) Upper body twists to the left and then snaps back into position as you do: Scisssor Block (L-low block) (R- middle block) Upper body twists to the right and then snaps back into position as you do: Scissor Block (R-low block) (L-middle block) Rf -> Lf Feet together L horizontal punch (Punch is toward E, but chest still faces N.) Forward L front R scissor spear finger strike (to the eyes) Forward R front L scissor spear finger strike (to the eyes) Sweep the right arm upward to the right side of the head; simultaneously thrust the L arm, palm down, in front of chest and parallel to the floor. Then, snap the R arm down sharply into R backfist strike (to the philtrum) (The R elbow is directly above the L fist.) Forward L front L upper rising block Forward R front R middle punch On the ball of the Lf, turn 360* CCW into: L back Middle-level guarding block Note: After you turn, you *slide* backward as you thrust out the guarding block. R high front kick (hands remain as they are) R front R high spearhand strike (palm down) Bending at both knees, drop down on your left knee until your right knee is against the chest. As you do this, lean slightly to the left and support your body with both hands on the floor just to the left of your body. (Only the thumb and fingers should be touching the ground; the palms do *not* touch the floor.) At this point, lift and chamber the R leg and thrust it out into a Right roundhouse kick from the ground. (As the kick is executed you are supporting yourself on 3 points: the fingers and thumbs of both hands and your left knee.) Keeping the left knee and left hand on the ground, drop the right foot flat in front of you and chamber the right fist at the right hip. Then, do a R-punch (from the ground). Shifting weight to the Rf, step up and *slide* forward into: L back L elbow strike (toward N) (R fist is chambered) Backward R back Middle level guarding block Backward L back L upward palm block Backward R back R shoulder-level knifehand strike S Keeping the R-foot fixed and moving the Rf, CCW (180*) L front Low X-Block Reach out with both hands in a grabbing gesture at the opponent's head R-knee strike As you do this, pull both hands, touching at the undersides of the wrists, to the L hip. then, N CCW (180*) L back Knifehand guarding blocks S Keeping the Lf fixed, and moving the Rf, CCW (180*) R back R elbow strike (to N) (L-fist chambered) Here, the back stance faces S, but the attack is delivered behind you i.e. to the N. N Keeping the Lf fixed, moving the Rf CW (180*) R back Kinfehand guarding blocks R side kick W Drop the Rf alongside Lf assuming a crossed stance (chest-W) with the Rf flat and behind the Lf (which is on its ball). Bending slightly at the knees, do a twin downward palm block. (Here, the undersides of the wrists are touching and fingers of each hand are pointing in oppostite direction of other hand. S On the ball of the Lf, step out with Rf toward S into: R front R backfist strike (to temple) N CCW (180*) L back L high spearhand attack (palm-down) As you chamber the R leg to do a front kick, bend the outstretched L arm 90* at the elbow (arm parallel to the floor). Then, bring the R arm around (also bent 90* at the elbow and parallel to floor) and place the palm down on top of the back of L-hand. (The fingers of the L hand should be pointing N, while the fingers of the R hand are pointing toward W.) As you do this, do a R high front kick, maintaining the hand position. and pivot 180* CCW to face S. S L front Chamber both fists to the R-hip ("Small Hinge Shape") L back L downward backhand strike R middle punch into the L-palm Stomp! forward into a: R back R downward backhand strike L middle punch into the R-palm N CCW (180*) L back L knifehand strike (shoulder-level) L front R vertical elbow strike (into L-palm) Forward R back R knifehand strike (shoulder-level) R front L vertical elbow strike (into R-palm) S CCW (180*) L back Low knifehand guarding block L front R-"9"-shaped block (R-arm down, L-arm up) Forward R back Low knifehand guarding block R front L-"9"-shaped block (L-arm down, R-arm up) Backward L front Twin knifehand strikes (toward both E and W) Twist upper body clockwise, swinging the L-arm in front of you. At the same time chamber a R-arc hand to the R-hip. Quickly twist the upper body back to face S and execute a R-arc hand strike to the opponent's throat. R high front kick (hands remain as they are) R front L arc hand strike (to throat) L high front kick L front R high reverse punch followed rapidly by a.. L high punch Draw Rf -> Lf Feet together "Bull" block (slightly above and (chest-S) in front of head). W On the ball of the Rf, CCW (270*) L front L low knifehand block R middle-section palm strike E Move the Lf inward one half step, then CW (180*) Move the Rf outward one half step, into: R front R low knifehand block L middle-section palm strike N Lf -> Rf Ready. [END]