############################################################################# Sipjin // Fifth Black Belt Form + Move Stance Action __ ______ __________ ____________________ N "Ready" Raise both arms up the body and above the head into double forearm rising blocks. W CCW (90*) L back L inward forearm block (bringing the right hand, palm open, to the left wrist) L back L outward knifehand block (done by opening the left hand and rotating it CW) (R hand open hand stays on the left wrist, blocking) L front R spearhand attack (can be directed to either the solar-plexus with the hand upright; or can be parallel to the ground with palm facing downward) L front L middle punch L front R middle reverse punch Lifting the right leg high into the air... R inside crescent kick Horse (chest-S) Santeul Makki ("W" block) Crossing the Lf behind your Rf in the direction of W.. chamber your right fist to its hip, and step out into Horse (chest-S) R side punch E Pivot 180* CCW on the Lf in the direction of E.. Horse (chest-N) Twin elbow strikes (Rf is leading) (these should be parallel to the ground) Pull the Lf to your Rf, then step out with the Rf toward E,.. R back R inward forearm block (bringing the L-hand, palm open, to the R-wrist, blocking) R back R outward knifehand block (as above) R front L spearhand strike (as above) R front R middle punch R front L middle reverse punch Bringing the Lf high into the air.. L inside crescent kick Horse (chest-S) Santeul Makki Crossing the Rf behind the Lf in the direction of E.. step out (toward E) with your left foot into .. Horse (chest-S) L side punch W Pivot 180* CW toward the direction E on the right foot,.. Drop into.. Horse (chest-N) Twin elbow strikes (as above) S Pivot CW (90*) on the ball of the left foot, and into.. R back R inward forearm block (bringing the L hand, palm open, to the R wrist, blocking) R back R outward knifehand block (as above) R front L spearhand strike (as above) R front R middle punch R front L middle reverse punch Forward L back Twin downward knifehand blocks Forward R front Twin pushing blocks (both arms push out from the body and straighten at head- level) (This is the same block as follows the "Ready position.) E Pivoting CCW (90*) on the Lf, step out with the Rf into Horse (chest-E) Middle knifehand wedging blocks Pull your Rf into shoulder width distance from the Lf, crossing both arms in front of face.. Ready Twin low forearm blocks N Pivot CCW (90*) on the Rf, step out toward N into.. L front L circular punch (The chest is facing N, while the punch is directed E) L front Twin pushing blocks (as above) R front kick Drop the kicking leg forward into.. R front Uneven punch L front kick Drop the kicking leg forward into.. L front Unveven punch R front kick Drop the kicking leg forward, then immediately hop forward into.. Crossed R backfist strike (Lf behind the Rf) (L forearm/fist does a guarding block) S Pivot CCW on the Rf and step forward in the direction of S into.. L front Twin pushing blocks (as above) Withdraw the Lf back to the Rf into rear foot stance, Low knifehand "X" block Forward R back R middle ridgehand block (L knifehand does a guarding block) Forward L back Uneven punch Forward R back Uneven punch N Pivot (90*) CCW on the Rf, pulling the Lf into the Rf Ready Attention