
Hello, and welcome to my (shamelessly) unofficial Taekwondo hyung resource page.

What I offer:
Complete, sequential transcriptions of over 70 patterns, including nearly every Taekwondo hyung you will ever need or want to study.

How they're delivered:
Every pattern is transcribed completely into text format with directions for facing, moving, and technique.  When printed, an entire pattern usually fits on just 1 or 2 pages.  All of these are completely free for the copying and printing.  All you have to do is click on the pattern's name from my front page.

The brief disclaimer:
While you will find most of the descriptions easily readable, there will occasionally be techniques whose names here differ from those by which you are used to hearing them called.  The names I have used for the most common of these are listed near the end of this page.  Also, while I feel the current format renders these documents easily "followable", it might do well to read the key below, nonetheless.

What to do if you have problems:
Frist, read the "key" directly below.  If you don't find the answer to your question there, email me at .

The Key:
All of these forms use the same ground rules for their transcription.  There are no violations of this (so far as I am aware).  It is THIS page (the one you're reading right now) that you will probably find most complicated, and only because I have tried, here, to be as accurate as possible in my descriptions.  Most will probably find this all common sense.  But, just in case my 'sense' differs from others' from time to time, I have fleshed it out below.  If after reading the Key you would like to print a copy for future off-line reference, you might find an all-text version of it better suited for printing -- click here to go to the non-HTML version of the key.

The "+" or "Directtion" Column:
The column labled "+" is the absolute direction in which the body faces upon completion of the appropriate technique.  The absolute coordinates are N, S, W, and E, where N is the direction which one faces in the "Ready" position, W is to your left in "Ready" position, E is to your right in "Ready" position, etc.  The absolute directions DO NOT CHANGE as a function of relative body position.

The "Move" Column:
The column labled "Move" indicates the relative direction in which you turn or rotate the body in order to land in the proper stance.  A movement to the 'Left' will always mean 'Counter-clockwise'.  A movement to the 'Right' will always mean 'Clockwise'.  I don't think this rule can be violated unless one is upside down.

When the "Move" column indicates "<fixed>", this means that one's feet do not change position during the current technique.  IT DOES NOT INDICATE that you should be in what is commonly referred to as a 'fixed' stance (described below).

When the "Move" column indicates "<forward>" it simply means that your body and/or weight is moving in the forward direction, but that
you are not necessarily landing in another stance while executing the current movement.  An example would be shifting your weight forward
as you move into a front kick.

The "Stance" Column:
The column labled "Stance" indicates the stance in which the technique is to be completed.  The "L" and "R" indicators ALWAYS indicate which leg is LEADING in the stance.  For instance, if the indication reads "L front", it means you should be in a front stance in which the left leg is leading and bearing most of the weight.  Likewise, if you read "L back", it means you should be in a back stance in which the left leg is leading and, consequently, the right leg is bearing the majority of your weight.  The ONE EXCEPTION is the crane stance (or Haktari Seogi).  Here the foot which is on the ground is indicated.

The "Action" Column:
This column labled "Action" gives you the technique to be performed as well as any other notes you may need regarding speed, rhythm, or how this technique follows from or into the technique before or after it.

Other notes and definitions:
The following abbreviations may be used in any column and will always mean the same thing:
CW = a turn, about face, or rotation of the body in the clockwise direction.
CCW = a turn, about face, or rotation of the body in the counter-clockwise direction
L, R = indicates "Left" and "Right", respectively.
Lf, Rf = stand for "Left foot" and "Right foot", respectively.
* = the asterisk (or 'splat') is a notation for "degrees".  Example:  90* = "ninety degrees".

A note about horse stances:  When a horse stance appears with a L or R indication, I am trying to be specific about which leg is closest to the opponent which one is attacking. (This is most often the leg that is moving into the stance.)  In case this is confusing, I have also added notations such as "chest-N", "chest-E", etc.  This meansthat at the completion of the action, when you are in the horse stance, your chest should be facing the absolute direction "X".  (Where X is one of N,S,E,W, NW, NE,..etc.)

A note about Fixed stances:  A 'fixed' stance is one where the foot positions are exactly the same as for a back stance, but the weight is evenly distributed between both legs.  If a fixed stance is required, then it will be listed in the "Stance" column at the appropriate technique.  The notation "<fixed>" in the "Move" column DOES NOT MEAN a 'fixed' stance.  Rather, it means that one does not move either foot's position during the current technique.

When a blocking technique is mentioned, it may be ambiguous as to which side of the arm one is to block with.  When those cases arise, I have designated whether or not the block occurs on the ulna or radius side of the arm.  These are the two bones that run from the elbow to the wrist.  The radius is the bone on the thumb-side of your forearm, while the ulna is the bone on the same side as your "pinky" finger.

As to the nomenclature for complicated or advanced techniques, I have chosen those names which are most descriptive of the action
involved.  However, sometimes such a description is too lengthy for the general text (especially if it is to be repeated throughout the form). If the technique is unique to a particular form, I most often make an 'aside' within the text itself describing the movement.  But some are used so often that a short name had to be chosen, and here, then, is a list of those:

  Middle kinfehand guarding blocks
  This is the same as "sudo", or an open-handed fighting stance usually performed in a back stance.

  Middle forearm guarding blocks
  This is almost always done in a front stance (though occasionally it occurs in a crossed stance or back stance).
  Here's what it looks like:  If one is in a left front stance, the left arm does an outside middle
  forearm block (radius side of forearm) while the right fist rests at the left elbow, guarding the body against
  an upward kick.  The palm of the left fist faces you, just as it normally would.  And the palm of the right
  fist almost faces straight up.  This is often referred to in texts as a "Supported Middle Block".

  Twin forearm blocks
  Again, an arbitrary and undescriptive name but a very common technique.  Almost always done in a back
  stance.  Here's the example:  If one is in a back stance with the right leg leading (weight on the left),
  the left arm does a rising block and stops above the head (as do all rising blocks) and blocks an attacker
  in the direction of your chest.  The right arm does an outside middle block toward the direction that your
  right foot should be pointing.
  If this technique is to be done open-handed, it will be called "twin knifehand blocks"

  Upper defense or Rising block
  A quick note if you study Shotokan as your primary style, this is *not* the same thing as an "upward
  sweeping block" (see Tekki/Chul-Gi patterns).

  Inner/Outer, Inward/Outward forearm blocks
  When the forearm block is done to the "low" level, it is ALWAYS with the outer forearm, traveling from
  inside to outside.
  When the forearm block is done to the "middle" level, it is ALMOST ALWAYS done with the inner forearm,
  traveling from inside to outside.  If it's done with the outer forearm or from the outside to inside, it is
  explicitly said so.
  When the forearm block is done to the "high" level, it is ALMOST ALWAYS done with the outside forearm,
  traveling from inside to outside.  If it's done with the inner forearm or from outside to inside, it is explicitly
  said so.
  Additionally, inward and outward USUALLY refer to the direction that the block travels.  Inner and outer
  USUALLY refer to the part of the arm that blocks (i.e. the inside or outside of the forearm).

  When this term is used, it is always meant that the block is done with the radius side (thumb-side) of the
  forearm unless otherwise noted.  It is the same as a typical "middle forearm block"

  Scoop block
  The same thing as an "underblock" except that the chest is turned 90* away from the block and the back
  foot often pivots 90*, too,  so that it is raised on its ball.  As the chest turns away from the block
  the arm does a low 'sweeping' motion just before the block is brought up to be executed.

  Ridgehand / Knifehand
  A ridgehand is ALWAYS done with the thumb side of the open hand, and travels from outside to inside.
  A knifehand is ALWAYS done with the outside (i.e. "pinkie"-side) of the open hand, and travels from inside
  to outside.  When one of these travels in the opposite direction it is preceded by the word "inverted".
  (E.g. An inverted knifehand travels from outside to inside.)

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