Direction | Movement | Stance | Action |
N | -- | Feet together | Ready position |
N | Lf toward W | Horse stance (chest-N) | R middle straight punch <Yell!> |
N | -- | <same> | L middle straight punch <Slowly & Exhaling> |
N | -- | <same> | R middle straight punch |
N | -- | <same> | L middle straight punch |
N | Lf -> Rf, then Rf toward E,
stomping the foot |
Horse stance (chest-N) | R middle straight punch <Slowly & Exhaling> |
N | -- | <same> | L middle straight punch |
N | -- | <same> | R middle straight punch |
NE | Shift Rf toward NE | R front stance | R high outside forearm block |
NE | Lf --> | -- | L front kick |
NE | Drop Lf | L front stance | L middle straight punch |
NE | -- | L front stance | R middle reverse punch |
NW | Lf toward NW | L front stance | L high outside forearm block |
NW | Rf --> | -- | R front kick |
NW | Drop Rf | R front stance | R middle straight punch |
NW | -- | R front stance | L middle reverse punch |
N | Rf toward N | R front stance | Extend L arm as a knifehand, then
sliding the R open hand over the length of L arm do R knifehand strike. <Slowly & Exhaling> |
N | -- | R front stance | Next, do a L knifehand strike (as above) <Slowly & Exhaling> |
N | -- | R front stance | R middle straight punch |
N | Forward | L front stance | Extend R arm as a knifehand, then
sliding the L open hand over the length of R arm do L knifehand strike. <Slowly & Exhaling> |
N | -- | L front stance | Next, do a R knifehand strike (as above) <Slowly & Exhaling> |
N | -- | L front stance | L middle straight punch |
N | Forward | R front stance | R middle straight punch <Yell!> |
N | Lf -> Rf | Feet together (chest-E) | Both fists chambered at the right hip |
N | Lf --> | -- | L side kick |
N | Drop Lf | L front stance | R horizontal elbow strike into the L open palm |
S | Rf -> Lf | Feet together (chest-E) | Both fists chambered at the left hip |
S | Rf --> | -- | R side kick |
S | Drop Rf | R front stance | L horizontal elbow strike into the R open palm |
E | Lf toward E | L back stance | Twin knifehand blocks |
E | Forward | R front stance | R middle vertical spearhand strike |
W | Rf toward W | R back stance | Twin knifehand blocks |
W | Forward | L front stance | L middle vertical spearhand strike |
S | Lf toward S | L front stance | L high outside forearm block |
S | -- | L front stance | R middle reverse punch |
S | Forward | R front stance | R high outside forearm block |
S | -- | R front stance | L middle reverse punch |
S | hopping forward off the R foot | Crossed stance (chest-W)
Rf x'd behind the Lf |
L downward backfist strike <Yell!> |
E | Rf toward E, 270* CW | R front stance | Double forearm guarding blocks |
W | Rf -> Lf, then Lf toward W | L front stance | Double forearm guarding blocks |
N | Lf -> Rf | Feet together (chest-N) | Ready position. |