Direction (+) | Movement | Stance | Action |
N | -- | Feet together
(chest-N) |
Ready position. |
N | Rf forward | X'd stance (R in front of L),
chest-W |
R- upper-level, outward, open-hand block
(left openhand supports against the right open hand; arms should be perpindicular to one another.) |
S | CCW 180*
Lf toward S |
L back stance | As you pivot around, right hand should be open in front of and above head, while left is open in front of your hip, almost as if it were a pole block but without the bending forward. |
S | -- | L back stance | Simultaneously push the left hand up while pushing the right hand down. Here, you are grabbing an attacker's stick/staff and swinging the end up to hit him or take it from him. |
E | CW 270*
Lf -> Rf |
Feet together
(chest-E) |
R downward forearm block. (Do not 'chamber' the blocking arm. Instead bring it down after a circular arcing motion.) |
E | Lf forward | L back stance | Simultaneously push the left hand up while pushing the right hand down. Here again, you are grabbing an attacker's stick/staff and swinging the end up to hit him or take it from him. |
E | Lf -> Rf | Feet together
(chest-N) |
Chamber both fists at the L-hip. |
E | Rf --> | R- side kick | |
N | Drop Lf toward E | Horse stance
(chest-N) |
L- outward kinfehand block (blocking arm should be nearly straight) |
N | -- | same as above | R middle punch |
N | -- | same as above | L middle punch |
W | Shift Lf
90* CCW |
L back stance | Simultaenously do:
R outward forearm block toward E (behind you), while doing L downward forearm block toward W (in front of you). |
E | Shift Rf
90* CW |
R back stance | Simultaneously do:
L outward forearm block toward W (behind you), while doing R downward forearm block toward E (in front of you). |
N | Shift Rf
90* CCW |
R back stance | Twin knifehand guarding blocks |
N | Forward | L back stance | Twin knifehand guarding blocks |
N | Forward | R back stance | Twin knifehand guarding blocks |
N | Rf backward | L back stance | Twin knifehand guarding blocks |
N | Shift Lf | L front stance | Chamber the right open hand under the left elbow. Next bring a right 'arc-hand' upward and across the face, then lowering to about chest-level, keeping the left open hand on the r-elbow. |
N | Rf --> | R- low-level side kick (pulling both arms, fists together, up
into the chest)
Yell! |
S | Drop Rf toward N,
Turn CCW 180* |
L back stance | Middle-leve wedge block (palms of fist face up) |
S | Sliding forward | L back stance | Twin middle-level upset punches |
S | Rf forward | Horse stance
(chest-E) |
Parallel punches. |
N | -- | Horse stance
(chest-E) |
L- middle hammer-fist strike |
N | Rf forward | R front stance | R middle straight punch |
S | Moving Rf
CCW 180* |
Horse stance
(chest-E) |
Parallel punches. |
S | Lf forward | Horse stance
(chest-W) |
Parallel punches. |
S | Rf forward | Horse stance
(chest-E) |
Parallel punhces. Yell! |
NW | moving Lf,
CCW 225* |
L cat stance | As you move, bring the R-arm high and the L-arm low, so that you can
cross them in front of you as you simultaneously do:
L middle level grasping block R lower level grasping block |
NE | Move Lf into center,
Move Rf out into... |
R cat stance | As you move, bring the L-arm high and the R-arm low, so that you can
cross them in front of you as you simultaneously do:
R middle level grasping block L lower level grasping block |
N | Rf -> Lf | Feet together
(chest-N) |
Ready position. |