
Direction (+) Movement Stance Action
N -- Feet together
Ready position.
N Rf forward X'd stance (R in front of L),
R- upper-level, outward, open-hand block
(left openhand supports against the right open hand; arms should be perpindicular to one another.)
S CCW 180*
Lf toward S
L back stance As you pivot around, right hand should be open in front of and above head, while left is open in front of your hip, almost as if it were a pole block but without the bending forward.
S -- L back stance Simultaneously push the left hand up while pushing the right hand down.  Here, you are grabbing an attacker's stick/staff and swinging the end up to hit him or take it from him.
E CW 270*
Lf -> Rf
Feet together
R downward forearm block.  (Do not 'chamber' the blocking arm.  Instead bring it down after a circular arcing motion.)
E Lf forward L back stance Simultaneously push the left hand up while pushing the right hand down.  Here again, you are grabbing an attacker's stick/staff and swinging the end up to hit him or take it from him.
E Lf -> Rf Feet together
Chamber both fists at the L-hip.
E Rf --> R- side kick
N Drop Lf toward E Horse stance
L- outward kinfehand block (blocking arm should be nearly straight)
N -- same as above R middle punch
N -- same as above L middle punch
W Shift Lf 
90* CCW
L back stance Simultaenously do:
R outward forearm block toward E (behind you), while doing
L downward forearm block toward W (in front of you).
E Shift Rf
90* CW
R back stance Simultaneously do:
L outward forearm block toward W (behind you), while doing
R downward forearm block toward E (in front of you).
N Shift Rf
90* CCW
R back stance Twin knifehand guarding blocks
N Forward L back stance Twin knifehand guarding blocks
N Forward R back stance Twin knifehand guarding blocks
N Rf backward L back stance Twin knifehand guarding blocks
N Shift Lf L front stance Chamber the right open hand under the left elbow. Next bring a right 'arc-hand' upward and across the face, then lowering to about chest-level, keeping the left open hand on the r-elbow.
N Rf -->  R- low-level side kick (pulling both arms, fists together, up into the chest)
S Drop Rf toward N,
Turn CCW 180*
L back stance Middle-leve wedge block (palms of fist face up)
S Sliding forward L back stance Twin middle-level upset punches
S Rf forward Horse stance
Parallel punches. 
N -- Horse stance
L- middle hammer-fist strike
N Rf forward R front stance R middle straight punch
S Moving Rf
CCW 180*
Horse stance
Parallel punches.
S Lf forward Horse stance
Parallel punches.
S Rf forward Horse stance
Parallel punhces.  Yell!
NW moving Lf,
CCW 225*
L cat stance As you move, bring the R-arm high and the L-arm low, so that you can cross them in front of you as you simultaneously do:
L middle level grasping block
R lower level grasping block
NE Move Lf into center,
Move Rf out into...
R cat stance As you move, bring the L-arm high and the R-arm low, so that you can cross them in front of you as you simultaneously do:
R middle level grasping block
L lower level grasping block
N Rf -> Lf Feet together
Ready position.